Found 305 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Porin

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
50 176 1g90A Nmr solution structure of outer membrane protein a transmembrane domain: 10 conformers
64 338 3upgA Loop deletion mutant of salmonella typhi osmoporin (ompc):an outer membrane protein.
95 391 3t20A Crystal structure of pseudomonas aeruginosa occk5 (opdh)
60 277 2iwwA Structure of the monomeric outer membrane porin ompg in the open and closed conformation
70 346 2j4uP E.coli ompc - camel lactoferrin complex
56 285 5jdpA E73v mutant of the human voltage-dependent anion channel
125 454 5iyuA Alge_cim
52 243 5h2fO Crystal structure of the psbm-deletion mutant of photosystem ii
35 162 5gv0A Crystal structure of the membrane-proximal domain of mouse lysosome-associated membrane protein 1 (lamp-1)
52 243 5gthO Native xfel structure of photosystem ii (dark dataset)
71 270 5adxL Cryoem structure of dynactin complex at 4.0 angstrom resolution
65 275 5adxK Cryoem structure of dynactin complex at 4.0 angstrom resolution
74 289 8prnA E1m, k50a, r52a, d97a, e99a mutant of rh. blastica porin
76 289 6prnA E1m, k50a, r52a mutant of rh. blastica porin
73 289 7prnA E1m, d97a, e99a mutant of rh. blastica porin
50 243 5b5eO Crystal structure analysis of photosystem ii complex
53 243 5b66O Crystal structure analysis of photosystem ii complex
71 270 5afuL Cryo-em structure of dynein tail-dynactin-bicd2n complex
65 275 5afuK Cryo-em structure of dynein tail-dynactin-bicd2n complex
66 249 4z3tA Meningococcal factor h binding protein mutant l130r/g133d
131 436 4f4bA Structure of osh4 with a cholesterol analog
69 242 4e1sA X-ray crystal structure of the transmembrane beta-domain from intimin from ehec strain o157:h7
70 245 4e1tA X-ray crystal structure of the transmembrane beta-domain from invasin from yersinia pseudotuberculosis
94 340 4d5uA Structure of ompf in i2
53 268 4ctdA X-ray structure of an engineered ompg loop6-deletion
98 352 4d64A Structure of porin omp-pst1 from p. stuartii; the crystallographic symmetry generates a dimer of trimers.
104 343 4d65A Structure of porin omp-pst2 from p. stuartii; the asymmetric unit contains a dimer of trimers.
63 283 4bumX Crystal structure of the voltage dependant anion channel 2 from zebrafish.
67 283 4c69X Atp binding to murine voltage-dependent anion channel 1 (mvdac1).
90 462 4c4vA Structure of the outer membrane protein insertase bama with one potra domain.
151 553 4c00A Crystal structure of tama from e. coli
90 465 4c4vB Structure of the outer membrane protein insertase bama with one potra domain.
62 308 4auiA Structure and function of the porb porin from disseminating n. gonorrhoeae
126 452 4b61A In meso structure of alginate transporter, alge, from pseudomoas aeruginosa, pao1. crystal form 3.
53 247 4aydC Structure of a complex between ccps 6 and 7 of human complement factor h and neisseria meningitidis fhbp variant 1 r106a mutant
49 239 4aymC Structure of a complex between ccps 6 and 7 of human complement factor h and neisseria meningitidis fhbp variant 3 p106a mutant
31 125 4aynA Structure of the c-terminal barrel of neisseria meningitidis fhbp variant 2
55 243 4ayiD Structure of a complex between ccps 6 and 7 of human complement factor h and neisseria meningitidis fhbp variant 3 wild type
126 451 4azlA In meso structure of alginate transporter, alge, from pseudomoas aeruginosa, pao1, crystal form 2.
55 243 4ayeC Structure of a complex between ccps 6 and 7 of human complement factor h and neisseria meningitidis fhbp variant 1 e283ae304a mutant
22 155 4akmA Crystal structure of the human lysosome-associated membrane protein lamp-3 (aka dc-lamp)
80 269 4akrA Crystal structure of the cytoplasmic actin capping protein cap32_34 from dictyostelium discoideum
71 251 4akrB Crystal structure of the cytoplasmic actin capping protein cap32_34 from dictyostelium discoideum
131 454 4afkA In meso structure of alginate transporter, alge, from pseudomonas aeruginosa, pao1
52 244 3wu2O Crystal structure analysis of photosystem ii complex
77 312 3wi5A Crystal structure of the loop 7 mutant porb from neisseria meningitidis serogroup b
63 312 3wi4A Crystal structure of wild-type porb from neisseria meningitidis serogroup b
80 341 3vzuX Crystal structure of outer membrane protein porb from neisseria meningitidis in complex with amp-pnp
85 341 3vztX Crystal structure of outer membrane protein porb from neisseria meningitidis
76 341 3vzwX Crystal structure of outer membrane protein porb from neisseria meningitidis in complex with galactose