Found 4950 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Alpha-Beta Plaits

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
233 2006 2pffB Structural insights of yeast fatty acid synthase
21 79 1kvjA Solution structure of the cu(i) bound form of the first heavy metal binding motif of the menkes protein
19 77 1bweA Artificial fe8s8 ferredoxin: the d13c variant of bacillus schlegelii fe7s8 ferredoxin
8 73 1kn6A Solution structure of the mouse prohormone convertase 1 pro-domain
12 89 1gh8A Solution structure of the archaeal translation elongation factor 1beta from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum
6 55 1clfA Clostridium pasteurianum ferredoxin
6 58 1f2gA The nmr solution structure of the 3fe ferredoxin ii from desulfovibrio gigas, 15 structures
20 158 1eq0A Solution structure of 6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropterin pyrophosphokinase complexed with mgamppcp
11 116 1fhtA Rna-binding domain of the u1a spliceosomal protein u1a117, nmr, 43 structures
11 72 1afjA Structure of the mercury-bound form of merp, the periplasmic protein from the bacterial mercury detoxification system, nmr, 20 structures
13 101 1fj7A Solution structure of nucleolin rbd1
14 77 1itpA Solution structure of poia1
17 72 1aw0A Fourth metal-binding domain of the menkes copper-transporting atpase, nmr, 20 structures
9 75 1iqtA Solution structure of the c-terminal rna-binding domain of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein d0 (auf1)
15 96 1fjcA Solution structure of nucleolin rbd2
23 77 1bc6A 7-fe ferredoxin from bacillus schlegelii, nmr, 20 structures
27 98 1apsA Three-dimensional structure of acylphosphatase. refinement and structure analysis
12 72 1afiA Structure of the reduced form of merp, the periplasmic protein from the bacterial mercury detoxification system, nmr, 20 structures
16 80 1jwwA Nmr characterization of the n-terminal domain of a potential copper-translocating p-type atpase from bacillus subtilis
12 91 1b64A Solution structure of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor domain from human elongation factor-one beta, nmr, 20 structures
11 73 1k0vA Copper trafficking: the solution structure of bacillus subtilis copz
7 64 1dfdA Oxidised desulfovibrio africanus ferredoxin i, nmr, 19 structures
13 79 1kviA Solution structure of the reduced form of the first heavy metal binding motif of the menkes protein
12 75 1hd1A Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein d0 (hnrnp d0 rbd1), nmr
1 80 1k0tA Nmr solution structure of unbound, oxidized photosystem i subunit psac, containing [4fe-4s] clusters fa and fb
11 68 1cpzA Copper chaperone of enterococcus hirae (apo-form)
27 132 1ivzA Solution structure of the sea domain from murine hypothetical protein homologous to human mucin 16
150 462 5f8jA Enterovirus 71 polymerase elongation complex (c1s4 form)
145 462 5f8nA Enterovirus 71 polymerase elongation complex (c3s6 form)
133 475 4wzmA Mutant k18e of rna dependent rna polymerase from foot-and-mouth disease virus complexed with rna
13 98 4lfbJ Crystal structure of 30s ribosomal subunit from thermus thermophilus
44 184 5en1A Crystal structure of hnrnpa2b1 in complex with rna
49 181 4yoeA Structure of up1 bound to rna 5'-agu-3'
133 443 4x4vA Crystal structure of the a.fulgidus cca-adding enzyme in complex with a human menbeta minihelix ending in ccacc and ampcpp
117 437 4x4uA Crystal structure of the a.fulgidus cca-adding enzyme in complex with a human menbeta minihelix ending in ccacc
21 199 5h9fK Crystal structure of e. coli cascade bound to a pam-containing dsdna target at 2.45 angstrom resolution.
28 134 5it9Y Structure of the yeast kluyveromyces lactis small ribosomal subunit in complex with the cricket paralysis virus ires.
46 207 5d8hB Crystal structure of the base of the ribosomal p stalk from methanococcus jannaschii with antibiotic thiostrepton
123 437 4x4nA Crystal structure of the a.fulgidus cca-adding enzyme in complex with a g70a arginyl-trna minihelix
138 477 4x2bA K20a rna dependent rna polymerase mutant from foot-and-mouth disease virus complexed with an rna
127 476 4wzqA Mutant k20e of rna dependent rna polymerase 3d from foot-and-mouth disease virus complexed with rna
26 97 5fj4A Structure of the standard kink turn hmkt-7 as stem loop bound with u1a and l7ae proteins
16 106 5it9U Structure of the yeast kluyveromyces lactis small ribosomal subunit in complex with the cricket paralysis virus ires.
40 161 4wkrA Larp7 wrapping up the 3' hairpin of 7sk non-coding rna (302-332)
12 89 4wf9Q The crystal structure of the large ribosomal subunit of staphylococcus aureus in complex with telithromycin
18 90 4w90B Crystal structure of bacillus subtilis cyclic-di-amp riboswitch ydao
388 1087 2r7vA Crystal structure of rotavirus sa11 vp1/rna (ggcuuu) complex
378 1087 2r7tA Crystal structure of rotavirus sa11 vp1/rna (ugugaacc) complex
380 1087 2r7xA Crystal structure of rotavirus sa11 vp1/rna (ugugacc)/gtp complex
374 1087 2r7uA Crystal structure of rotavirus sa11 vp1/rna (aaaagcc) complex