Found 430 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: BirA Bifunctional Protein; domain 2

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
128 589 4wj3M Crystal structure of the asparagine transamidosome from pseudomonas aeruginosa
154 585 4wj4A Crystal structure of non-discriminating aspartyl-trna synthetase from pseudomonas aeruginosa complexed with trna(asn) and aspartic acid
166 585 1c0aA Crystal structure of the e. coli aspartyl-trna synthetase : trnaasp : aspartyl-adenylate complex
201 641 1qf6A Structure of e. coli threonyl-trna synthetase complexed with its cognate trna
194 780 2iy5B Phenylalanyl-trna synthetase from thermus thermophilus complexed with trna and a phenylalanyl-adenylate analog
150 527 3w3sA Crystal structure of a. aeolicus trnasec in complex with m. kandleri serrs
89 404 3tupA Crystal structure of human mitochondrial phers complexed with trnaphe in the active open state
107 414 3kfuA Crystal structure of the transamidosome
75 279 2zniA Crystal structure of pyrrolysyl-trna synthetase-trna(pyl) complex from desulfitobacterium hafniense
119 421 1serA The 2.9 angstroms crystal structure of t. thermophilus seryl-trna synthetase complexed with trna ser
121 401 1kogA Crystal structure of e. coli threonyl-trna synthetase interacting with the essential domain of its mrna operator
169 585 1il2A Crystal structure of the e. coli aspartyl-trna synthetase:yeast trnaasp:aspartyl-adenylate complex
169 473 1h4sA Prolyl-trna synthetase from thermus thermophilus complexed with trnapro(cgg) and a prolyl-adenylate analogue
131 614 4kr3A Glycyl-trna synthetase mutant e71g in complex with trna-gly
129 613 4kr2A Glycyl-trna synthetase in complex with trna-gly
222 905 3wqzA Crystal structure of archaeoglobus fulgidus alanyl-trna synthetase in complex with a trna(ala) variant having a3.u70
86 336 2iy5A Phenylalanyl-trna synthetase from thermus thermophilus complexed with trna and a phenylalanyl-adenylate analog
123 534 2du5A Crystal structure of archaeoglobus fulgidus o-phosphoseryl-trna synthetase e418n/e420n mutant complexed with trnaopal and o-phosphoserine ("opal complex")
141 490 1aszA The active site of yeast aspartyl-trna synthetase: structural and functional aspects of the aminoacylation reaction
132 490 1asyA Class ii aminoacyl transfer rna synthetases: crystal structure of yeast aspartyl-trna synthetase complexed with trna asp
67 345 1eiyA The crystal structure of phenylalanyl-trna synthetase from thermus thermophilus complexed with cognate trnaphe
172 785 1eiyB The crystal structure of phenylalanyl-trna synthetase from thermus thermophilus complexed with cognate trnaphe
147 580 1efwA Crystal structure of aspartyl-trna synthetase from thermus thermophilus complexed to trnaasp from escherichia coli
160 473 1h4qA Prolyl-trna synthetase from thermus thermophilus complexed with trnapro(cgg), atp and prolinol
88 418 4ztuB Structural basis for processivity and antiviral drug toxicity in human mitochondrial dna replicase
88 418 4ztzB Structural basis for processivity and antiviral drug toxicity in human mitochondrial dna replicase
58 194 4ht4A Molecular basis of vancomycin resistance transfer in staphylococcus aureus
63 195 4lvjA Mobm relaxase domain (mobv; mob_pre) bound to plasmid pmv158 orit dna (22nt). mn-bound crystal structure at ph 5.5
49 198 4lvmA Mobm relaxase domain (mobv; mob_pre) bound to plasmid pmv158 orit dna (23nt). mn-bound crystal structure at ph 6.5
60 194 4lviA Mobm relaxase domain (mobv; mob_pre) bound to plasmid pmv158 orit dna (22nt). mn-bound crystal structure at ph 4.6
61 196 4lvlA Mobm relaxase domain (mobv; mob_pre) bound to plasmid pmv158 orit dna (22nt+3'thiophosphate). mn-bound crystal structure at ph 6.8
130 475 4rqfA Human seryl-trna synthetase dimer complexed with one molecule of trnasec
121 478 4rqeA Human seryl-trna synthetase dimer complexed with two molecules of trnasec
84 385 5c53B Probing the structural and molecular basis of nucleotide selectivity by human mitochondrial dna polymerase gamma
89 418 5c51B Probing the structural and molecular basis of nucleotide selectivity by human mitochondrial dna polymerase gamma
95 418 5c52B Probing the structural and molecular basis of nucleotide selectivity by human mitochondrial dna polymerase gamma
97 327 11asA Asparagine synthetase mutant c51a, c315a complexed with l-asparagine
154 450 5knnA Evolutionary gain of alanine mischarging to non-cognate trnas with a g4:u69 base pair
89 268 5k1xA Catalytic domain of polyspecific pyrrolysyl-trna synthetase mutant y306a/n346a/c348a/y384f in complex with amppnp
85 270 5k1pA Catalytic domain of polyspecific pyrrolysyl-trna synthetase mutant n346a/c348a in complex with amppnp
99 499 5hgqA Loa loa lysyl-trna synthetase in complex with cladosporin.
166 495 4ydqA Crystal structure of prolyl-trna synthetase (prs) from plasmodium falciparum in complex with halofuginone and amppnp
121 420 4rdxA Structure of histidinyl-trna synthetase in complex with trna(his)
85 267 4zibA Crystal structure of the c-terminal domain of pylrs mutant bound with 3-benzothienyl-l-alanine and atp
128 431 4yrnA Crystal structure of t. cruzi histidyl-trna synthetase in complex with 6-bromopyridin-3-amine (chem 475)
122 431 4yrsA Crystal structure of t. cruzi histidyl-trna synthetase in complex with n-(quinolin-3-yl)propanamide (chem 1698)
127 431 4yrmA Crystal structure of t. cruzi histidyl-trna synthetase in complex with 3-methoxypyridine (chem 443)
121 431 4yrgA Crystal structure of t. cruzi histidyl-trna synthetase in complex with (6-bromopyridin-2-yl)methanol (chem 149)
127 431 4yrkA Crystal structure of t. cruzi histidyl-trna synthetase in complex with (4-chlorophenyl)methanol (chem 260)
125 431 4yriA Crystal structure of t. cruzi histidyl-trna synthetase in complex with 1-(3-bromophenyl)methanamine (chem 166)