Found 10181 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Alpha-Beta Complex

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
1 46 1eesB Solution structure of cdc42hs complexed with a peptide derived from p-21 activated kinase, nmr, 20 structures
15 107 1a2iA Solution structure of desulfovibrio vulgaris (hildenborough) ferrocytochrome c3, nmr, 20 structures
13 90 1hqiA Component p2 from the multicomponent phenol hydroxylase, nmr, 11 structures
11 68 1f22A A proton-nmr investigation of the fully reduced cytochrome c7 from desulfuromonas acetoxidans. comparison between the reduced and the oxidized forms.
27 165 1jknA Solution structure of the nudix enzyme diadenosine tetraphosphate hydrolase from lupinus angustifolius complexed with atp
8 71 1gh9A Solution structure of a 8.3 kda protein (gene mth1184) from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum
2 59 1ceeB Solution structure of cdc42 in complex with the gtpase binding domain of wasp
9 75 1ksqA Nmr study of the third tb domain from latent transforming growth factor-beta binding protein-1
26 156 1iryA Solution structure of the hmth1, a nucleotide pool sanitization enzyme
2 46 1e0aB Cdc42 complexed with the gtpase binding domain of p21 activated kinase
14 141 1ckvA Structure of the soluble methane monooxygenase regulatory protein b
30 217 1iezA Solution structure of 3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone 4-phosphate synthase of riboflavin biosynthesis
5 65 1kdeA North-atlantic ocean pout antifreeze protein type iii isoform hplc12 mutant, nmr, 22 structures
28 208 1jcuA Solution structure of mth1692 protein from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum
21 107 1ej5A Solution structure of the autoinhibited conformation of wasp
30 165 1f3yA Solution structure of the nudix enzyme diadenosine tetraphosphate hydrolase from lupinus angustifolius l.
4 46 1e8qA Characterisation of the cellulose docking domain from piromyces equi
14 102 1g11A Toluene-4-monooxygenase catalytic effector protein nmr structure
10 77 1eikA Solution structure of rna polymerase subunit rpb5 from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum
14 68 1l3oA Solution structure determination of the fully oxidized double mutant k9-10a cytochrome c7 from desulfuromonas acetoxidans, ensemble of 35 structures
5 42 1co4A Solution structure of a zinc domain conserved in yeast copper-regulated transcription factors
11 134 1c89A Nmr structure of intramolecular dimer antifreeze protein rd3, 40 sa structures
8 74 1apjA Nmr study of the transforming growth factor beta binding protein-like domain (tb module/8-cys domain), nmr, 21 structures
18 147 1defA Peptide deformylase catalytic core (residues 1-147), nmr, 9 structures
13 107 1it1A Solution structures of ferrocytochrome c3 from desulfovibrio vulgaris miyazaki f
311 1118 4g7oC Crystal structure of thermus thermophilus transcription initiation complex containing 2 nt of rna
328 1205 4by7B Elongating rna polymerase ii-bye1 tld complex
249 1205 5c4xB Crystal structure of a transcribing rna polymerase ii complex reveals a complete transcription bubble
265 1205 2nvtB Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 150 mm mg+2 with gmpcpp
106 327 9mhtA Cytosine-specific methyltransferase hhai/dna complex
90 327 8mhtA Cytosine-specific methyltransferase hhai/dna complex
95 327 7mhtA Cytosine-specific methyltransferase hhai/dna complex
190 1191 5m5yB Rna polymerase i elongation complex 2
150 445 4zdoA The crystal structure of t325s mutant of human sepsecs in complex with selenocysteine trna (trnasec)
24 79 5iplE Sigmas-transcription initiation complex with 4-nt nascent rna
38 125 5gahO Rnc in complex with srp with detached ng domain
54 214 5c4xE Crystal structure of a transcribing rna polymerase ii complex reveals a complete transcription bubble
20 87 5c4xF Crystal structure of a transcribing rna polymerase ii complex reveals a complete transcription bubble
24 94 5e17E T. thermophilus transcription initiation complex having a rrr discriminator sequence and a nontemplate-strand length corresponding to tss selection at position 7 (rpo-ggg-7)
46 207 5d8hB Crystal structure of the base of the ribosomal p stalk from methanococcus jannaschii with antibiotic thiostrepton
51 214 4y52E Crystal structure of 5-carboxycytosine recognition by rna polymerase ii during transcription elongation.
17 84 4x6aF Crystal structure of yeast rna polymerase ii encountering oxidative cyclopurine dna lesions
31 119 4wf9K The crystal structure of the large ribosomal subunit of staphylococcus aureus in complex with telithromycin
14 156 4wf9E The crystal structure of the large ribosomal subunit of staphylococcus aureus in complex with telithromycin
56 214 4x6aE Crystal structure of yeast rna polymerase ii encountering oxidative cyclopurine dna lesions
131 483 4wj3A Crystal structure of the asparagine transamidosome from pseudomonas aeruginosa
291 1205 2nvqB Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 150 mm mg+2 with 2'dutp
228 880 1qu3A Insights into editing from an ile-trna synthetase structure with trna(ile) and mupirocin
278 917 1ffyA Insights into editing from an ile-trna synthetase structure with trna(ile) and mupirocin
254 1207 2ja7B Cpd lesion containing rna polymerase ii elongation complex c