Found 28394 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Orthogonal Bundle

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
1003 3198 3vkgA X-ray structure of an mtbd truncation mutant of dynein motor domain
899 3218 3vkhA X-ray structure of a functional full-length dynein motor domain
804 2695 4akgA Dynein motor domain - atp complex
807 2695 4ai6A Dynein motor domain - adp complex
798 2695 4akhA Dynein motor domain - amppnp complex
798 2695 4akiA Dynein motor domain - luac derivative
17 84 1iioA Nmr-based structure of the conserved protein mth865 from the archea methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum
20 59 1kbhB Mutual synergistic folding in the interaction between nuclear receptor coactivators cbp and actr
17 72 1eijA Nmr ensemble of methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum protein 1615
29 108 1fhbA Three-dimensional solution structure of the cyanide adduct of a met80ala variant of saccharomyces cerevisiae iso-1-cytochrome c. identification of ligand-residue interactions in the distal heme cavity
14 64 1du6A Solution structure of the truncated pbx homeodomain
23 100 1i6dA Solution structure of the functional domain of paracoccus denitrificans cytochrome c552 in the reduced state
14 112 1irgA Interferon regulatory factor-2 dna binding domain, nmr, 20 structures
18 47 1kbhA Mutual synergistic folding in the interaction between nuclear receptor coactivators cbp and actr
6 53 1jeiA Lem domain of human inner nuclear membrane protein emerin
11 66 1bw5A The nmr solution structure of the homeodomain of the rat insulin gene enhancer protein isl-1, 50 structures
41 142 1gm0A A form of the pheromone-binding protein from bombyx mori
35 128 1cmzA Solution structure of gaip (galpha interacting protein): a regulator of g protein signaling
17 77 1f55A Solution structure of the calcium bound n-terminal domain of yeast calmodulin
26 130 1a63A The nmr structure of the rna binding domain of e.coli rho factor suggests possible rna-protein interactions, 10 structures
27 75 1cdnA Solution structure of (cd2+)1-calbindin d9k reveals details of the stepwise structural changes along the apo--> (ca2+)ii1--> (ca2+)i,ii2 binding pathway
21 108 1c3yA Thp12-carrier protein from yellow meal worm
24 92 1b4cA Solution structure of rat apo-s100b using dipolar couplings
19 69 1dpuA Solution structure of the c-terminal domain of human rpa32 complexed with ung2(73-88)
18 102 1kkxA Solution structure of the dna-binding domain of adr6
29 77 1hdjA Human hsp40 (hdj-1), nmr
19 91 1k99A Solution structure of the first hmg box in human upstream binding factor
20 95 1eh2A Structure of the second eps15 homology domain of human eps15, nmr, 20 structures
16 86 1af8A Actinorhodin polyketide synthase acyl carrier protein from streptomyces coelicolor a3(2), nmr, 24 structures
55 192 1f16A Solution structure of a pro-apoptotic protein bax
19 86 1dk2A Refined solution structure of the n-terminal domain of dna polymerase beta
15 53 1ba5A Dna-binding domain of human telomeric protein, htrf1, nmr, 18 structures
15 98 1fliA Dna-binding domain of fli-1
28 188 1jsaA Myristoylated recoverin with two calciums bound, nmr, 24 structures
41 188 1ikuA Myristoylated recoverin in the calcium-free state, nmr, 22 structures
12 87 1bnpA Nmr solution structure of the n-terminal domain of dna polymerase beta, 55 structures
22 98 1begA Structure of fungal elicitor, nmr, 18 structures
17 75 1iieA Hla-dr antigens associated invariant chain
14 78 1j3dA Solution structure of the c-terminal domain of the hmgb2
17 90 1e17A Solution structure of the dna binding domain of the human forkhead transcription factor afx (foxo4)
11 49 1ifyA Solution structure of the internal uba domain of hhr23a
15 88 1iurA Dnaj domain of human kiaa0730 protein
37 90 1cnpA The structure of calcyclin reveals a novel homodimeric fold for s100 ca2+-binding proteins, nmr, 22 structures
14 65 1gjsA Solution structure of the albumin binding domain of streptococcal protein g
13 67 1i5jA Nmr structure of human apolipoprotein c-ii in the presence of sds
11 73 1cmfA Nmr solution structure of apo calmodulin carboxy-terminal domain
9 106 1hktA Solution structure of the dna-binding domain of drosophila heat shock transcription factor
24 78 1cb1A Three-dimensional solution structure of ca2+-loaded porcine calbindin d9k determined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
19 98 1jgnA Solution structure of the c-terminal pabc domain of human poly(a)-binding protein in complex with the peptide from paip2
32 89 1cedA The structure of cytochrome c6 from monoraphidium braunii, nmr, minimized average structure