Found 505 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: 3 Solenoid

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
501 1472 1ea0A Alpha subunit of a. brasilense glutamate synthase
16 84 1l1iA Solution structure of the tenebrio molitor antifreeze protein
8 90 1ewwA Solution structure of spruce budworm antifreeze protein at 30 degrees celsius
49 152 3tv0A Structure of dynactin p27 subunit
350 975 3ak5A Hemoglobin protease (hbp) passenger missing domain-2
372 1048 1wxrA Crystal structure of heme binding protein, an autotransporter hemoglobine protease from pathogenic escherichia coli
187 554 1qa2A Tailspike protein, mutant a334v
176 554 1qa1A Tailspike protein, mutant v331g
185 554 1qa3A Tailspike protein, mutant a334i
127 336 1nhcA Structural insights into the processivity of endopolygalacturonase i from aspergillus niger
135 333 1k5cA Endopolygalacturonase i from stereum purpureum at 0.96 a resolution
135 333 1kcdA Endopolygalacturonase i from stereum purpureum complexed with two galacturonate at 1.15 a resolution.
135 333 1kccA Endopolygalacturonase i from stereum purpureum complexed with a galacturonate at 1.00 a resolution.
126 339 1ib4A Crystal structure of polygalacturonase from aspergillus aculeatus at ph4.5
158 449 1hv9A Structure of e. coli glmu: analysis of pyrophosphorylase and acetyltransferase active sites
126 339 1ia5A Polygalacturonase from aspergillus aculeatus
182 539 1dabA The structure of bordetella pertussis virulence factor p.69 pertactin
141 422 5l6vA Crystal structure of e. coli adp-glucose pyrophosphorylase (agpase) in complex with a negative allosteric regulator adenosine monophosphate (amp) - agpase*amp
130 421 5l6sA Crystal structure of e. coli adp-glucose pyrophosphorylase (agpase) in complex with a positive allosteric regulator beta-fructose-1,6-diphosphate (fbp) - agpase*fbp
36 91 5jmcB Receptor binding domain of botulinum neurotoxin a in complex with rat sv2c
38 97 5jlvC Receptor binding domain of botulinum neurotoxin a in complex with human glycosylated sv2c
111 299 5c1cA Crystal structure of the pectin methylesterase from aspergillus niger in deglycosylated form
31 173 5adxU Cryoem structure of dynactin complex at 4.0 angstrom resolution
33 168 5afuU Cryo-em structure of dynein tail-dynactin-bicd2n complex
28 165 5adxV Cryoem structure of dynactin complex at 4.0 angstrom resolution
235 598 4xqfA Tailspike protein mutant e372q (delta d470/n471) of e. coli bacteriophage hk620
85 198 4yz0A C. bescii family 3 pectate lyase double mutant k108a/e39q in complex with trigalacturonic acid
97 215 4yeiA Beta1mut synthetic solenoid protein
79 195 4ew9A The liganded structure of c. bescii family 3 pectate lyase
120 337 4e75A Structure of lpxd from acinetobacter baumannii at 2.85a resolution (p21 form)
75 211 4eabA X-ray crystal structure of the h141a mutant of gdp-perosamine n-acetyl transferase from caulobacter crescentus in complex with coa and gdp-perosamine
104 258 4e6uA Structure of lpxa from acinetobacter baumannii at 1.4a resolution (p63 form)
103 269 4e6tA Structure of lpxa from acinetobacter baumannii at 1.8a resolution (p212121 form)
105 261 4eqyA Crystal structure of acyl-[acyl-carrier-protein]--udp-n-acetylglucosamine o-acyltransferase from burkholderia thailandensis
75 211 4eaaA X-ray crystal structure of the h141n mutant of perosamine n-acetyltransferase from caulobacter crescentus in complex with coa and gdp-perosamine
125 346 4e79A Structure of lpxd from acinetobacter baumannii at 2.66a resolution (p4322 form)
75 210 4ea9A X-ray structure of gdp-perosamine n-acetyltransferase in complex with transition state analog at 0.9 angstrom resolution
73 188 4eggA Computationally designed self-assembling tetrahedron protein, t310
73 210 4ea8A X-ray crystal structure of perb from caulobacter crescentus in complex with coenzyme a and gdp-n-acetylperosamine at 1 angstrom resolution
163 450 4e1kA Glmu in complex with a quinazoline compound
74 210 4ea7A X-ray crystal structure of perb from caulobacter crescentus in complex with coa and gdp-perosamine at 1.0 angstrom resolution
70 188 4dclA Computationally designed self-assembling tetrahedron protein, t308, crystallized in space group f23
149 372 4c2lA Crystal structure of endo-xylogalacturonan hydrolase from aspergillus tubingensis
226 598 4avzA Tailspike protein mutant e372q of e. coli bacteriophage hk620
85 222 4aa7A E.coli glmu in complex with an antibacterial inhibitor
173 458 4ac3A S.pneumoniae glmu in complex with an antibacterial inhibitor
161 421 3zppA Structure of the streptococcus pneumoniae surface protein and adhesin pfba
176 458 4aawA S.pneumoniae glmu in complex with an antibacterial inhibitor
132 329 3zscA Catalytic function and substrate recognition of the pectate lyase from thermotoga maritima
184 547 3wwgA Crystal structure of the n-glycan-deficient variant n448a of isopullulanase complexed with isopanose