Found 300 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 51 - 100. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Class II Histocompatibility Antigen, M Beta Chain; Chain B, domain 1

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
40 182 4z7uA S13 complex
34 181 4z7wA T316 complex
32 192 4y1aB Immune complex
35 179 4y19A Immune complex
28 178 4y1aA Immune complex
44 192 4y19B Immune complex
39 219 4x5xB Hla-dr1 mutant bn82a with covalently linked clip106-120(m107w)
45 197 4x5wB Hla-dr1 with clip102-120(m107w)
35 179 4x5xA Hla-dr1 mutant bn82a with covalently linked clip106-120(m107w)
35 181 4x5wA Hla-dr1 with clip102-120(m107w)
38 212 4p5kB Structural basis of chronic beryllium disease: bridging the gap between allergy and autoimmunity
33 180 4p2oA Crystal structure of the 2b4 tcr in complex with 2a/i-ek
37 188 4ozhB S16 protein complex
43 212 4p5mB Structural basis of chronic beryllium disease: bridging the gap between allergic hypersensitivity and autoimmunity
36 186 4p2oB Crystal structure of the 2b4 tcr in complex with 2a/i-ek
40 217 4p46D J809.b5 y31a tcr bound to iab3k
33 179 4p5tC 14.c6 tcr complexed with mhc class ii i-ab/3k peptide
52 217 4p23D J809.b5 tcr bound to iab/3k
40 181 4ozhA S16 protein complex
36 180 4p5mA Structural basis of chronic beryllium disease: bridging the gap between allergic hypersensitivity and autoimmunity
31 178 4p57A Mhc tcr peptide complex
34 179 4p46C J809.b5 y31a tcr bound to iab3k
36 188 4ozgB D2 protein complex
36 187 4p2rB Crystal structure of the 5cc7 tcr in complex with 5c1/i-ek
40 212 4p4kB Structural basis of chronic beryllium disease: bridging the gap between allergic hypersensitivity and auto immunity
39 179 4p23C J809.b5 tcr bound to iab/3k
35 180 4p2qA Crystal structure of the 5cc7 tcr in complex with 5c2/i-ek
42 212 4p4rB Structural basis of chronic beryllium disease: bridging the gap between allergic hypersensitivity and autoimmunity
32 178 4p4kA Structural basis of chronic beryllium disease: bridging the gap between allergic hypersensitivity and auto immunity
41 188 4ozfB Jr5.1 protein complex
37 181 4ozgA D2 protein complex
34 181 4p5kA Structural basis of chronic beryllium disease: bridging the gap between allergy and autoimmunity
36 187 4p2qB Crystal structure of the 5cc7 tcr in complex with 5c2/i-ek
36 181 4ozfA Jr5.1 protein complex
47 217 4p5tD 14.c6 tcr complexed with mhc class ii i-ab/3k peptide
42 212 4p57B Mhc tcr peptide complex
32 178 4p4rA Structural basis of chronic beryllium disease: bridging the gap between allergic hypersensitivity and autoimmunity
33 180 4p2rA Crystal structure of the 5cc7 tcr in complex with 5c1/i-ek
44 189 4mcyB Immune receptor
35 179 4mdiA Immune receptor
40 189 4mayB Crystal structure of an immune complex
35 179 4md0A Immune receptor
34 179 4mcyA Immune receptor
45 189 4mczB Immune receptor
46 191 4mdjB Immune receptor
34 180 4md5A Immune receptor
48 189 4md4B Immune receptor
36 179 4mczA Immune receptor
34 179 4mdjA Immune receptor
37 181 4mayA Crystal structure of an immune complex