Found 481 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: HIV Type 1 Reverse Transcriptase; Chain A, domain 1

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
119 553 1hysA Crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with a polypurine tract rna:dna
82 438 4ol8A Ty3 reverse transcriptase bound to dna/rna
112 425 4pwdB Crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with bulge-rna/dna and nevirapine
117 553 4b3oA Structures of hiv-1 rt and rna-dna complex reveal a unique rt conformation and substrate interface
112 425 4q0bB Crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with gap-rna/dna and nevirapine
88 425 4b3oB Structures of hiv-1 rt and rna-dna complex reveal a unique rt conformation and substrate interface
146 545 4pquA Crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with rna/dna and datp
120 425 4pquB Crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with rna/dna and datp
137 555 4pwdA Crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with bulge-rna/dna and nevirapine
120 460 4hkqA Xmrv reverse transcriptase in complex with rna/dna hybrid
142 555 4q0bA Crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with gap-rna/dna and nevirapine
90 425 1hysB Crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with a polypurine tract rna:dna
153 553 5d3gA Structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase bound to a novel 38-mer hairpin template-primer dna aptamer
121 425 4puoB Crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with rna/dna and nevirapine
145 555 4puoA Crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with rna/dna and nevirapine
69 255 4m95A D(atccgttataacggat)complexed with moloney murine leukemia virus reverse transcriptase catalytic fragment
73 255 4m94A D(atccgttataacggat) complexed with moloney murine leukemia virus reverse transcriptase catalytic fragment
135 558 2hmiA Hiv-1 reverse transcriptase/fragment of fab 28/dna complex
104 430 2hmiB Hiv-1 reverse transcriptase/fragment of fab 28/dna complex
73 255 2fjxA Rt29 bound to d(cttgaatgcattcaag) in complex with mmlv rt catalytic fragment
70 255 2fvsA A structural study of the ca dinucleotide step in the integrase processing site of moloney murine leukemia virus
71 255 2fjvA Rt29 bound to d(cttaattcgaattaag) in complex with mmlv rt catalytic fragment
73 255 2fjwA D(cttgaatgcattcaag) in complex with mmlv rt catalytic fragment
68 255 2fvrA A structural study of the ca dinucleotide step in the integrase processing site of moloney murine leukemia virus
70 255 2fvqA A structural study of the ca dinucleotide step in the integrase processing site of moloney murine leukemia virus
72 255 2fvpA A structural study of the ca dinucleotide step in the integrase processing site of moloney murine leukemia virus
136 554 1rtdA Structure of a catalytic complex of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase: implications for nucleoside analog drug resistance
79 259 1qajA Crystal structures of the n-terminal fragment from moloney murine leukemia virus reverse transcriptase complexed with nucleic acid: functional implications for template-primer binding to the fingers domain
73 255 1d1uA Use of an n-terminal fragment from moloney murine leukemia virus reverse transcriptase to facilitate crystallization and analysis of a pseudo-16-mer dna molecule containing g-a mispairs
72 259 1d0eA Crystal structures of the n-terminal fragment from moloney murine leukemia virus reverse transcriptase complexed with nucleic acid: functional implications for template-primer binding to the fingers domain
109 427 1rtdB Structure of a catalytic complex of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase: implications for nucleoside analog drug resistance
69 251 1qaiA Crystal structures of the n-terminal fragment from moloney murine leukemia virus reverse transcriptase complexed with nucleic acid: functional implications for template-primer binding to the fingers domain
73 256 1i6jA Crystal structure of a pseudo-16-mer dna with stacked guanines and two g-a mispairs complexed with the n-terminal fragment of moloney murine leukemia virus reverse transcriptase
121 558 1j5oA Crystal structure of met184ile mutant of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with double stranded dna template-primer
99 430 1j5oB Crystal structure of met184ile mutant of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with double stranded dna template-primer
88 429 1n5yB Hiv-1 reverse transcriptase crosslinked to post-translocation aztmp-terminated dna (complex p)
100 429 1n6qB Hiv-1 reverse transcriptase crosslinked to pre-translocation aztmp-terminated dna (complex n)
122 558 1n5yA Hiv-1 reverse transcriptase crosslinked to post-translocation aztmp-terminated dna (complex p)
130 558 1n6qA Hiv-1 reverse transcriptase crosslinked to pre-translocation aztmp-terminated dna (complex n)
128 558 1t03A Hiv-1 reverse transcriptase crosslinked to tenofovir terminated template-primer (complex p)
89 427 1t05B Hiv-1 reverse transcriptase crosslinked to template-primer with tenofovir-diphosphate bound as the incoming nucleotide substrate
138 554 1t05A Hiv-1 reverse transcriptase crosslinked to template-primer with tenofovir-diphosphate bound as the incoming nucleotide substrate
96 429 1t03B Hiv-1 reverse transcriptase crosslinked to tenofovir terminated template-primer (complex p)
72 255 1n4lA A dna analogue of the polypurine tract of hiv-1
103 429 1r0aB Crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase covalently tethered to dna template-primer solved to 2.8 angstroms
72 255 1ztwA D(cttaattcgaattaag) complexed with moloney murine leukemia virus reverse transcriptase catalytic fragment
71 255 1zttA Netropsin bound to d(cttaattcgaattaag) in complex with mmlv rt catalytic fragment
138 558 1r0aA Crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase covalently tethered to dna template-primer solved to 2.8 angstroms
121 425 5d3gB Structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase bound to a novel 38-mer hairpin template-primer dna aptamer
143 554 5hlfA Structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with a 38-mer hairpin template-primer dna aptamer and an alpha-carboxyphosphonate inhibitor