Found 634 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Trefoil (Acidic Fibroblast Growth Factor, subunit A)

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
36 131 1dzcA High resolution structure of acidic fibroblast growth factor. mutant fgf-4-ala-(24-154), 24 nmr structures
14 157 1j0sA Solution structure of the human interleukin-18
12 155 1bldA Basic fibroblast growth factor (fgf-2) mutant with cys 78 replaced by ser and cys 96 replaced by ser, nmr
28 127 1dzdA High resolution structure of acidic fibroblast growth factor (27-154), 24 nmr structures
34 153 1irpA Solution structure of human interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protein
71 262 3rtjB Crystal structure of ricin bound with dinucleotide apg
91 420 4j2xA Csl (rbp-jk) with corepressor kyot2 bound to dna
69 469 2fo1A Crystal structure of the csl-notch-mastermind ternary complex bound to dna
68 424 2f8xC Crystal structure of activated notch, csl and maml on hes-1 promoter dna sequence
418 1290 2np0A Crystal structure of the botulinum neurotoxin type b complexed with synaptotagamin-ii ectodomain
85 466 1ttuA Crystal structure of csl bound to dna
71 424 3v79C Structure of human notch1 transcription complex including csl, ram, ank, and maml-1 on hes-1 promoter dna sequence
92 467 3brdA Csl (lag-1) bound to dna with lin-12 ram peptide, p212121
86 422 3brgC Csl (rbp-jk) bound to dna
71 464 3brfA Csl (lag-1) bound to dna with lin-12 ram peptide, c2221
93 422 3iagC Csl (rbp-jk) bound to hes-1 nonconsensus site
71 423 3nbnA Crystal structure of a dimer of notch transcription complex trimers on hes1 dna
95 424 5e24E Structure of the su(h)-hairless-dna repressor complex
409 1295 3v0bA 3.9 angstrom crystal structure of bont/ai in complex with ntnha
408 1295 3v0aA 2.7 angstrom crystal structure of bont/ai in complex with ntnha
377 1194 3v0aB 2.7 angstrom crystal structure of bont/ai in complex with ntnha
377 1194 3v0bB 3.9 angstrom crystal structure of bont/ai in complex with ntnha
330 1196 3vuoA Crystal structure of nontoxic nonhemagglutinin subcomponent (ntnha) from clostridium botulinum serotype d strain 4947
35 183 3s8kA Crystal structure of a papaya latex serine protease inhibitor (ppi) at 1.7a resolution
401 1290 1i1eA Crystal structure of clostridium botulinum neurotoxin b complexed with doxorubicin
401 1290 1g9bA Crystal structure of clostridium botulinum neurotoxin b complexed with an inhibitor (experiment 1)
405 1290 1g9cA Crystal structure of clostridium botulinum neurotoxin b complexed with an inhibitor (experiment 4)
395 1290 1g9aA Crystal structure of clostridium botulinum neurotoxin b complexed with an inhibitor (experiment 3)
393 1290 1g9dA Crystal structure of clostridium botulinum neurotoxin b complexed with an inhibitor (experiment 2)
117 427 5jlvA Receptor binding domain of botulinum neurotoxin a in complex with human glycosylated sv2c
113 431 5jmcA Receptor binding domain of botulinum neurotoxin a in complex with rat sv2c
29 151 5i1bA A comparison of the high resolution structures of human and murine interleukin-1b
29 153 9ilbA Human interleukin-1 beta
25 146 8i1bA A comparison of the high resolution structures of human and murine interleukin-1b
17 153 7i1bA High-resolution three-dimensional structure of interleukin-1 beta in solution by three-and four-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
16 153 6i1bA High-resolution three-dimensional structure of interleukin-1 beta in solution by three-and four-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
237 636 5bxpA Lnbase in complex with lnb-lognac
234 633 5bxsA Lnbase in complex with lnb-nhaccas
26 151 5bvpI The molecular mode of action and species specificity of canakinumab, a human monoclonal antibody neutralizing il-1beta
234 634 5bxrA Lnbase in complex with lnb-nhacdnj
238 633 5bxtA Lnbase in complex with lnb-nhacaus
89 283 5b2hA Crystal structure of ha33 from clostridium botulinum serotype c strain yoichi
32 144 5bp5C Crystal structure of ha17-ha33-ipt
76 285 5bquA Crystal structure of ha17-ha33-lactulose
33 151 5bowA Crystal structure of il-38
75 286 5bp5A Crystal structure of ha17-ha33-ipt
271 1159 4zktB Crystal structure of the progenitor m complex of clostridium botulinum type e neurotoxin
82 261 4zgrB Structural studies on a non-toxic homologue of type ii rips from momordica charantia (bitter gourd) in complex with t-antigen.
26 163 4zotA Crystal structure of bbki, a disulfide-free plasma kallikrein inhibitor at 1.4 a resolution
74 261 4zlbB Structural studies on a non-toxic homologue of type ii rips from momordica charantia (bitter gourd) in complex with lactose