Found 368 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Alpha-Beta Horseshoe

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
50 198 1ds9A Solution structure of chlamydomonas outer arm dynein light chain 1
55 162 1a9nA Crystal structure of the spliceosomal u2b''-u2a' protein complex bound to a fragment of u2 small nuclear rna
47 162 3jb9j Cryo-em structure of the yeast spliceosome at 3.6 angstrom resolution
81 245 3rw6A Structure of nuclear rna export factor tap bound to cte rna
178 670 3ciyA Mouse toll-like receptor 3 ectodomain complexed with double-stranded rna
259 810 5gmfA Crystal structure of monkey tlr7 in complex with guanosine and polyu
252 806 5gmgA Crystal structure of monkey tlr7 in complex with loxoribine and polyu
229 783 3wphA Crystal structure of mouse tlr9 in complex with inhibitory dna4084 (form 2)
259 779 3wpcA Crystal structure of horse tlr9 in complex with agonistic dna1668_12mer
229 783 3wpdA Crystal structure of horse tlr9 in complex with inhibitory dna4084
237 783 3wpiA Crystal structure of mouse tlr9 in complex with inhibitory dna_super
225 764 3wpeA Crystal structure of bovine tlr9 in complex with agonistic dna1668_12mer
224 783 3wpgA Crystal structure of mouse tlr9 in complex with inhibitory dna4084 (form 1)
219 788 3w3mA Crystal structure of human tlr8 in complex with resiquimod (r848) crystal form 2
238 787 3w3kA Crystal structure of human tlr8 in complex with cl075
256 788 3w3gA Crystal structure of human tlr8 (unliganded form)
266 743 3rj0A Plant steroid receptor bri1 ectodomain in complex with brassinolide
268 787 3w3jA Crystal structure of human tlr8 in complex with cl097
264 788 3w3nA Crystal structure of human tlr8 in complex with resiquimod (r848) crystal form 3
242 788 3w3lA Crystal structure of human tlr8 in complex with resiquimod (r848) crystal form 1
263 743 3rizA Crystal structure of the plant steroid receptor bri1 ectodomain
186 668 3ulvA Structure of quaternary complex of human tlr3ecd with three fabs (form2)
265 745 3rgzA Structural insight into brassinosteroid perception by bri1
162 556 3u7uA Crystal structure of extracellular region of human epidermal growth factor receptor 4 in complex with neuregulin-1 beta
200 659 3uluA Structure of quaternary complex of human tlr3ecd with three fabs (form1)
187 599 3vq1A Crystal structure of mouse tlr4/md-2/lipid iva complex
255 742 3rgxA Structural insight into brassinosteroid perception by bri1
194 671 3cigA Crystal structure of mouse tlr3 ectodomain
221 635 1ziwA Human toll-like receptor 3 extracellular domain structure
227 671 2a0zA The molecular structure of toll-like receptor 3 ligand binding domain
177 593 5ijbA The ligand-free structure of the mouse tlr4/md-2 complex
195 592 5ijcA The crystal structure of mouse tlr4/md-2/neoseptin-3 complex
182 590 5ijdA The crystal structure of mouse tlr4/md-2/lipid a complex
76 288 5hzlB Secreted internalin-like protein lmo2445 from listeria monocytogenes
233 791 5hdhA Crystal structure of human tlr8 with an uncleaved z-loop
70 268 5gs2B Crystal structure of diabody complex with repebody and mbp
211 663 5gs0A Crystal structure of the complex of tlr3 and bi-specific diabody
267 809 5gmhA Crystal structure of monkey tlr7 in complex with r848
251 786 4r0aA Crystal structure of human tlr8 in complex with uridine mononucleoside
267 787 4r07A Crystal structure of human tlr8 in complex with orn06
252 787 5awbA Crystal structure of human tlr8 in complex with n1-3-aminomethylbenzyl (meta-amine)
259 788 5awdA Crystal structure of human tlr8 in complex with n1-4-aminomethylbenzyl (imdq)
236 785 5awaA Crystal structure of human tlr8 in complex with mb-568
263 787 5az5A Crystal structure of human tlr8 in complex with mb-343
251 788 5awcA Crystal structure of human tlr8 in complex with mb-564
102 330 5a5cA Structure of an engineered neuronal lrrtm2 adhesion molecule
72 173 4z79A Leiomodin-1 actin-binding site 2 (abs2)
70 175 4z8gA Chimera of tropomodulin-1 and leiomodin-1 actin-binding site 2 (tl1 abs2)
61 186 4z64C The plant peptide hormone receptor complex in arabidopsis
57 185 4z61C The plant peptide hormone receptor complex