Found 189 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query ec:

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
74 186 6k40A Crystal structure of alkyl hydroperoxide reductase from d. radiodurans r1
90 345 6tsbAAA Crystal structure of the chitinase domain of the spore coat protein cote from clostridium difficile
113 350 6t9mAAA Crystal structure of the chitinase domain of the spore coat protein cote from clostridium difficile
0 7 3wgxC Crystal structure of erp46 trx2 in a complex with prx4 c-term
66 195 5zteA Crystal structure of prxa c119s mutant from arabidopsis thaliana
67 218 5ovqD Crystal structure of the peroxiredoxin (ahpc2) from the hyperthermophilic bacteria aquifex aeolicus vf
69 215 6iu0A Peroxiredoxin from thermococcus kodakaraensis (0cys mutant)
62 214 6iu1A Peroxiredoxin from pyrococcus horikoshii 0cys mutant)
65 213 6itzA Peroxiredoxin from thermococcus kodakaraensis
137 415 6n0mA Crystal structure of sestrin2 in complex with nv-0005138
50 158 5io2A Xanthomonas campestris peroxiredoxin q - c48s mutant
44 162 5ijtA Human peroxiredoxin 2 oxidized (ss)
66 213 5ykjA Structural basis of the thiol resolving mechanism in yeast mitochondrial 1-cys peroxiredoxin via glutathione/thioredoxin systems
69 219 5ovqA Crystal structure of the peroxiredoxin (ahpc2) from the hyperthermophilic bacteria aquifex aeolicus vf
48 167 5j9cA Crystal structure of peroxiredoxin asp f3 c31s/c61s variant
48 158 5inyA Xanthomonas campestris peroxiredoxin q - structure f8
43 156 5ipgA Xanthomonas campestris peroxiredoxin q - structure fft-butyl (hyperoxodized by t-butyl hydroperoxide)
46 156 5iowA Xanthomonas campestris peroxiredoxin q - structure ffcumene (hyperoxidized by cumene hydroperoxide)
51 157 5iphA Xanthomonas campestris peroxiredoxin q - c84s mutant
42 157 5ioxA Xanthomonas campestris peroxiredoxin q - structure luss
48 157 5imaA Xanthomonas campestris peroxiredoxin q - structure f2
49 158 5imvA Xanthomonas campestris peroxiredoxin q - structure f6
49 154 5id2A Asymmetry in the active site of mycobacterium tuberculosis ahpe upon exposure to mycothiol
54 157 5id2B Asymmetry in the active site of mycobacterium tuberculosis ahpe upon exposure to mycothiol
50 181 5hqpA Crystal structure of the erp44-peroxiredoxin 4 complex
57 215 6gwwA Prxq2, a 1-cys peroxiredoxin of the thermo-acidophilic archaeon sulfolobus islandicus
77 246 5xbsA Peroxiredoxin from aeropyrum pernix (6m mutant)
71 221 5b6mA Crystal structure of human peroxiredoxin 6 in reduced state
47 168 5b8aA Crystal structure of oxidized chimeric ecahpc1-186-yfskhn
52 221 5b6nA Crystal structures of human peroxiredoxin 6 in sulfinic acid state
48 165 5b8bA Crystal structure of reduced chimeric e.coli ahpc1-186-yfskhn
50 174 4dssA Crystal structure of peroxiredoxin ahp1 from saccharomyces cerevisiae in complex with thioredoxin trx2
51 174 4dsrA Crystal structure of peroxiredoxin ahp1 from saccharomyces cerevisiae in reduced form
50 174 4dsqA Crystal structure of peroxiredoxin ahp1 from saccharomyces cerevisiae in oxidized form
57 175 4d73B X-ray structure of a peroxiredoxin
61 180 4d73A X-ray structure of a peroxiredoxin
33 165 3zvjA Crystal structure of high molecular weight (hmw) form of peroxiredoxin i from schistosoma mansoni
52 175 4af2A C61s mutant of thiol peroxidase form e. coli.
44 165 3zreA Reduced thiol peroxidase (tpx) from yersinia pseudotuberculosis
56 180 3ztlA Crystal structure of decameric form of peroxiredoxin i from schistosoma mansoni
33 168 3zvjD Crystal structure of high molecular weight (hmw) form of peroxiredoxin i from schistosoma mansoni
29 163 3zlpA Crystal structure of schistosoma mansoni peroxiredoxin 1 c48p mutant form with four decamers in the asymmetric unit
55 174 3zrdA Oxidised thiol peroxidase (tpx) from yersinia pseudotuberculosis
54 162 3zl5A Crystal structure of schistosoma mansoni peroxiredoxin i c48s mutant with one decamer in the asu
68 214 3w6gA Structure of peroxiredoxin from anaerobic hyperthermophilic archaeon pyrococcus horikoshii
54 182 3vwvA Crystal structure of n-terminally truncated peroxiredoxin 4 from m. musculus
49 177 3vwuA Crystal structure of peroxiredoxin 4 from m. musculus
64 195 3tjkA Crystal structure of human peroxiredoxin iv c245a mutant in reduced form
61 191 3tkqA Crystal structure of full-length human peroxiredoxin 4 with mixed conformation
65 197 3tkrA Crystal structure of full-length human peroxiredoxin 4 with t118e mutation