Found 164 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: hydrolase(o-glycosyl)

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
76 185 154lA The refined structures of goose lysozyme and its complex with a bound trisaccharide show that the "goose-type lysozymes lack a catalytic aspartate
75 185 153lA The refined structures of goose lysozyme and its complex with a bound trisaccharide show that the "goose-type lysozymes lack a catalytic aspartate
39 129 5lytA Comparison of radiation-induced decay and structure refinement from x-ray data collected from lysozyme crystals at low and ambient temperatures
156 476 6taaA Structure and molecular model refinement of aspergillus oryzae (taka) alpha-amylase: an application of the simulated-annealing method
42 129 7lyzA Protein model building by the use of a constrained-restrained least-squares procedure
112 388 6nn9A Refined atomic structures of n9 subtype influenza virus neuraminidase and escape mutants
45 129 6lytA Comparison of radiation-induced decay and structure refinement from x-ray data collected from lysozyme crystals at low and ambient temperatures
110 388 5nn9A Refined atomic structures of n9 subtype influenza virus neuraminidase and escape mutants
114 388 4nn9A Refined atomic structures of n9 subtype influenza virus neuraminidase and escape mutants
43 129 4lytA Comparison of radiation-induced decay and structure refinement from x-ray data collected from lysozyme crystals at low and ambient temperatures
111 388 3nn9A Refined atomic structures of n9 subtype influenza virus neuraminidase and escape mutants
35 129 3lytA Comparison of radiation-induced decay and structure refinement from x-ray data collected from lysozyme crystals at low and ambient temperatures
47 129 3lz2A Structure determination of turkey egg white lysozyme using laue diffraction
49 129 2lztA Refinement of triclinic lysozyme. ii. the method of stereochemically restrained least-squares
46 129 2ihlA Lysozyme (e.c. (japanese quail)
41 129 2eqlA Crystallographic studies of a calcium binding lysozyme from equine milk at 2.5 angstroms resolution
109 388 2batA The structure of the complex between influenza virus neuraminidase and sialic acid, the viral receptor
58 162 217lA Structural basis of alpha-helix propensity at two sites in t4 lysozyme
60 162 224lA The energetic cost and the structural consequences of burying a hydroxyl group within the core of a protein determined from ala to ser and val to thr substitutions in t4 lysozyme
57 165 205lA How amino-acid insertions are allowed in an alpha-helix of t4 lysozyme
57 164 201lA How amino-acid insertions are allowed in an alpha-helix of t4 lysozyme
52 162 216lA Structural basis of alpha-helix propensity at two sites in t4 lysozyme
59 162 221lA The energetic cost and the structural consequences of burying a hydroxyl group within the core of a protein determined from ala to ser and val to thr substitutions in t4 lysozyme
51 128 1tewA Structure of hexagonal turkey egg white lysozyme at 1.65 angstroms resolution
51 129 1rcmA Crystal structure of a ubiquitin-dependent degradation substrate: a three-disulfide form of lysozyme
38 221 1ncdH Refined crystal structure of the influenza virus n9 neuraminidase-nc41 fab complex
107 390 1nsbA The 2.2 angstroms resolution crystal structure of influenza b neuraminidase and its complex with sialic acid
109 390 1nscA Influenza b virus neuraminidase can synthesize its own inhibitor
53 214 1ncaL Refined crystal structure of the influenza virus n9 neuraminidase-nc41 fab complex
104 389 1ncbN Crystal structures of two mutant neuraminidase-antibody complexes with amino acid substitutions in the interface
108 389 1ncaN Refined crystal structure of the influenza virus n9 neuraminidase-nc41 fab complex
55 214 1nccL Crystal structures of two mutant neuraminidase-antibody complexes with amino acid substitutions in the interface
40 221 1ncaH Refined crystal structure of the influenza virus n9 neuraminidase-nc41 fab complex
40 221 1ncbH Crystal structures of two mutant neuraminidase-antibody complexes with amino acid substitutions in the interface
99 389 1nccN Crystal structures of two mutant neuraminidase-antibody complexes with amino acid substitutions in the interface
50 214 1ncbL Crystal structures of two mutant neuraminidase-antibody complexes with amino acid substitutions in the interface
50 214 1ncdL Refined crystal structure of the influenza virus n9 neuraminidase-nc41 fab complex
40 221 1nccH Crystal structures of two mutant neuraminidase-antibody complexes with amino acid substitutions in the interface
98 389 1ncdN Refined crystal structure of the influenza virus n9 neuraminidase-nc41 fab complex
102 387 1nnaA Three-dimensional structure of influenza a n9 neuraminidase and its complex with the inhibitor 2-deoxy 2,3-dehydro-n-acetyl neuraminic acid
110 387 1nnbA Three-dimensional structure of influenza a n9 neuraminidase and its complex with the inhibitor 2-deoxy 2,3-dehydro-n-acetyl neuraminic acid
45 129 1lsnA Thermal stability determinants of chicken egg-white lysozyme core mutants: hydrophobicity, packing volume and conserved buried water molecules
44 129 1lseA The influence of temperature on lysozyme crystals. structure and dynamics of protein and water
49 129 1lszA Crystal structure of the mutant d52s hen egg white lysozyme with an oligosaccharide product
43 129 1lysA X-ray structure of a monoclinic form of hen egg-white lysozyme crystallized at 313k. comparison of two independent molecules
61 162 1lyfA Dissection of helix capping in t4 lysozyme by structural and thermodynamic analysis of six amino acid substitutions at thr 59
59 162 1lyiA Dissection of helix capping in t4 lysozyme by structural and thermodynamic analysis of six amino acid substitutions at thr 59
49 130 1lz4A Enthalpic destabilization of a mutant human lysozyme lacking a disulfide bridge between cysteine-77 and cysteine-95
59 162 1lygA Dissection of helix capping in t4 lysozyme by structural and thermodynamic analysis of six amino acid substitutions at thr 59
51 138 1lz6A Structural and functional analyses of the arg-gly-asp sequence introduced into human lysozyme