Found 208 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Creatine Amidinohydrolase

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
122 369 5jfrA Potent, reversible metap2 inhibitors via fragment based drug discovery
121 369 5ji6A Potent, reversible metap2 inhibitors via fbdd
123 369 5jhuA Potent, reversible metap2 inhibitors via fbdd
133 398 5fchA Crystal structure of xaa-pro dipeptidase from xanthomonas campestris, phosphate and zn bound
149 435 5ce6A N-terminal domain of fact complex subunit spt16 from cicer arietinum (chickpea)
107 349 5cdlA Proline dipeptidase from deinococcus radiodurans (selenomethionine derivative)
110 349 5cdvA Proline dipeptidase from deinococcus radiodurans r1
83 261 4z7mA Novel inhibitors of bacterial methionine aminopeptidase with broad-spectrum biochemical activity
124 371 4egeA Crystal structure of dipeptidase pepe from mycobacterium ulcerans
149 437 4b28A Crystal structure of dmsp lyase rddddp from roseobacter denitrificans
83 262 4a6wA X-ray structures of oxazole hydroxamate ecmetap-mn complexes
86 264 4a6vA X-ray structures of oxazole hydroxamate ecmetap-mn complexes
87 254 3tb5A Crystal structure of the enterococcus faecalis methionine aminopeptidase apo form
82 264 3tavA Crystal structure of a methionine aminopeptidase from mycobacterium abscessus
109 345 3s6bA Crystal structure of methionine aminopeptidase 1b from plasmodium falciparum, pf10_0150
159 445 3rvaA Crystal structure of organophosphorus acid anhydrolase from alteromonas macleodii
85 282 3rorA Crystal structure of c105s mutant of mycobacterium tuberculosis methionine aminopeptidase
118 356 2q8kA The crystal structure of ebp1
159 440 2bwxA His354ala escherichia coli aminopeptidase p
133 398 5cdeA R372a mutant of xaa-pro dipeptidase from xanthomonas campestris
158 439 4zwoA Crystal structure of organophosphate anhydrolase/prolidase mutant y212f
154 439 4zwuA Crystal structure of organophosphate anhydrolase/prolidase mutant y212f, v342l, i215y
148 438 4zwpA Crystal structure of organophosphate anhydrolase/prolidase mutant y212f
136 397 5fcfA Crystal structure of xaa-pro dipeptidase from xanthomonas campestris, phosphate and mn bound
150 431 5e5bA Crystal structure of human spt16 n-terminal domain
122 369 5d6fA Structure of human methionine aminopeptidase-2 complexed with spiroepoxytriazole inhibitor (+)-31b
120 370 5d6eA Structure of human methionine aminopeptidase 2 with covalent spiroepoxytriazole inhibitor (-)-31b
133 397 5cikA Crystal structure of xaa-pro dipeptidase from xanthomonas campestris in citrate condition
121 360 5cnxA Crystal structure of xaa-pro aminopeptidase from escherichia coli k12
117 362 4zngA X-ray crystallography of recombinant lactococcus lactis prolidase
125 369 5clsA Structure of human methionine aminopeptidase-2 complexed with spiroepoxytriazole inhibitor (+)-31a
158 439 4s01A Crystal structure of metallopeptidase-like dimethylsulphoniopropionate (dmsp) lyase rldddp mutant d377n in complex with acrylate
102 304 4u6jA Hsmetap in complex with methionine
158 439 4rzzA Crystal structure of metallopeptidase-like dimethylsulphoniopropionate (dmsp) lyase rldddp in complex with phosphate
99 304 4u6cA Hsmetap in complex with [(1r)-1-amino-3-cyclopentylpropyl]phosphonic acid
213 617 4s2rP Crystal structure of x-prolyl aminopeptidase from caenorhabditis elegans: a cytosolic enzyme with a di-nuclear active site
100 304 4u6zA Hsmetap(f309m) in complex with 1-amino-2-propylpentyl)phosphonic acid
99 304 4u73A Hsmetap(f309m) in complex with (amino(phenyl)methyl)phosphonic acid
99 304 4u1bA Hsmetap in complex with (1-amino-2-propylpentyl)phosphonic acid
157 439 4rzyA Crystal structure of metallopeptidase-like dimethylsulphoniopropionate (dmsp) lyase rldddp in complex with mes
102 304 4u70A Hsmetap (f309m) in complex with (1-amino-2-cyclohexylethyl)phosphonic acid
211 617 4s2tP Crystal structure of x-prolyl aminopeptidase from caenorhabditis elegans: a cytosolic enzyme with a di-nuclear active site
99 304 4u71A Hsmetap(f309m) in complex with 1- amino(cyclohexyl)methy)phosphonic acid
101 304 4u6eA Hsmetap in complex with (amino(phenyl)methyl)phosphonic acid
102 304 4u76A Hsmetap (f309m) holo form
158 439 4s00A Crystal structure of metallopeptidase-like dimethylsulphoniopropionate (dmsp) lyase rldddp mutant y366a in complex with acrylate
101 304 4u6wA Hsmetap (f220m) in complex with 1-amino-2-propylpentyl]phosphonic acid
102 304 4u69A Hsmetap complex with (1-amino-2-methylpentyl)phosphonic acid
102 304 4u75A Hsmetap (f309m) in complex with methionine
149 441 4qr8A Crystal structure of e coli pepq