Found 224 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: L-2-Hydroxyisocaproate Dehydrogenase; Chain A, domain 2

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
113 313 5htoA Crystal structure of plasmodium vivax ldh in complex with a dna aptamer called pl1 (tetrameric ldh in an asymmetric unit)
117 313 5hruA Crystal structure of plasmodium vivax ldh in complex with a dna aptamer called pl1
109 333 5mdhA Crystal structure of ternary complex of porcine cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase alpha-ketomalonate and tnad at 2.4 angstroms resolution
64 333 5ldhA Structure of the active ternary complex of pig heart lactate dehydrogenase with s-lac-nad at 2.7 angstroms resolution
126 327 5kvvA Structure of malate dehydrogenase in complex with nadh from mycobacterium tuberculosis
112 331 5kkcA L-lactate dehydrogenase from rabbit muscle with the inhibitor 6dhnad
88 331 5k0zA Cryo-em structure of lactate dehydrogenase (ldh) in inhibitor-bound state
117 331 5ixsA Lactate dehydrogenase in complex with hydroxylactam inhibitor compound 9: (6r)-3-[(2-chlorophenyl)sulfanyl]-4-hydroxy-6-(3-hydroxyphenyl)-6-(thiophen-3-yl)-5,6-dihydropyridin-2(1h)-one
117 331 5ixyA Lactate dehydrogenase in complex with hydroxylactam inhibitor compound 31: (2~{s})-5-(2-chlorophenyl)sulfanyl-2-(4-morpholin-4-ylphenyl)-4-oxidanyl-2-thiophen-3-yl-1,3-dihydropyridin-6-one
117 313 5hs4A Plasmdoium vivax lactate dehydrogenase
100 331 9ldtA Design and synthesis of new enzymes based on the lactate dehydrogenase framework
100 331 9ldbA Design and synthesis of new enzymes based on the lactate dehydrogenase framework
97 329 8ldhA Refined crystal structure of dogfish m4 apo-lactate dehydrogenase
125 363 7mdhA Structural basis for light acitvation of a chloroplast enzyme. the structure of sorghum nadp-malate dehydrogenase in its oxidized form
100 329 6ldhA Refined crystal structure of dogfish m4 apo-lactate dehydrogenase
138 434 5c3mA Crystal structure of gan4c, a gh4 6-phospho-glucosidase from geobacillus stearothermophilus
109 331 5a1tA Trichomonas vaginalis lactate dehydrogenase in complex with nadh and oxamate
104 311 4e0bA 2.17 angstrom resolution crystal structure of malate dehydrogenase from vibrio vulnificus cmcp6
114 309 4cl3A 1.70 a resolution structure of the malate dehydrogenase from chloroflexus aurantiacus
118 316 4b7uA Plasmodium falciparum l-lactate dehydrogenase complexed with bicine
111 303 4bguA 1.50 a resolution structure of the malate dehydrogenase from haloferax volcanii
118 323 4bgvA 1.8 a resolution structure of the malate dehydrogenase from picrophilus torridus in its apo form
115 330 4ajiA Rat ldha in complex with 2-((3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)methyl))propanedioic acid
116 330 4ajjA Rat ldha in complex with 2-((3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)methyl))propanedioic acid and n-(2-methyl-1,3-benzothiazol-6-yl)-3-ureido-propanamide
115 330 4ajnA Rat ldha in complex with 2-((4-(2-((3-((2-methyl-1,3-benzothiazol-6- yl)amino)-3-oxo-propyl)carbamoylamino)ethyl)phenyl)methyl) propanedioic acid
102 310 3zznA 5-mutant (r79w, r151a, e279a, e299a,e313a) lactate-dehydrogenase from thermus thermophillus
116 330 4ajoA Rat ldha in complex with 2-((4-(4-((3-((2-methyl-1,3-benzothiazol-6yl) amino)-3-oxo-propyl)amino)-4-oxo-butyl)phenyl)methyl)propanedioic acid
117 330 4aj2A Rat ldha in complex with 5-(2-chlorophenyl)-1h-tetrazole
115 331 4ajkA Rat ldha in complex with n-(2-(methylamino)-1,3-benzothiazol-6-yl) acetamide
113 330 4aj4A Rat ldha in complex with 4-((2-allylsulfanyl-1,3-benzothizol-6-yl) amino)-4-oxo-butanoic acid
119 330 4ajlA Rat ldha in complex with 3-(ethylcarbamoylamino)-n-(2-methyl-1,3- benzothiazol-6-yl)propanamide
123 330 4aj1A Rat ldha in complex with n-(2-(methylamino)-1,3-benzothiazol-6-yl) acetamide
102 310 4a73A Single point mutant of thermus thermophilus lactate dehydrogenase
116 331 4ajpA Human ldha in complex with 2-((4-(4-((3-((2-methyl-1,3-benzothiazol- 6yl)amino)-3-oxo-propyl)amino)-4-oxo-butyl)phenyl)methyl)propanedioic acid
118 330 4ajhA Rat ldha in complex with n-(2-methyl-1,3-benzothiazol-6-yl)-3-ureido- propanamide and 2-(4-bromophenoxy)propanedioic acid
113 330 4ajeA Rat ldha in complex with 2-(4-bromophenoxy)propanedioic acid
118 330 4al4A Rat ldha in complex with 2-((4-(2-((3-((2-methyl-1,3-benzothiazol-6- yl)amino)3-oxo-propyl)carbamoylamino)ethoxy)phenyl)methylpropanedioic acid
100 317 3wsvA Crystal structure of minor l-lactate dehydrogenase from enterococcus mundtii in the ligands-unbound form
105 316 3wswA Crystal structure of minor l-lactate dehydrogenase from enterococcus mundtii in the ligands-bound form
110 310 3vpgA L-lactate dehydrogenase from thermus caldophilus gk24
106 312 3vkvA Complex structure of lactobacillus casei lactate dehydrogenase with fructose-1,6-bisphosphate
103 311 3vpfA Complex structure of lactobacillus casei lactate dehydrogenase penta mutant with pyruvate
97 306 3vkuA Penta mutant of lactobacillus casei lactate dehydrogenase
108 310 3vphA L-lactate dehydrogenase from thermus caldophilus gk24 complexed with oxamate, nadh and fbp
112 312 3tl2A Crystal structure of bacillus anthracis str. ames malate dehydrogenase in closed conformation.
115 314 3zh2A Structure of plasmodium falciparum lactate dehydrogenase in complex with a dna aptamer
107 311 5kkaA E. coli malate dehydrogenase with the inhibitor 6dhnad
115 331 4zvvA Lactate dehydrogenase a in complex with a trisubstituted piperidine-2,4-dione inhibitor gne-140
113 328 5es3A Co-crystal structure of ldh liganded with oxamate
109 314 4wluA Crystal structure of l-malate and nad bound mdh2