Found 191 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: CD59

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
9 74 1abtA Nmr solution structure of an alpha-bungarotoxin(slash)nicotinic receptor peptide complex
12 59 1drsA Three-dimensional structure of the rgd-containing neurotoxin homologue, dendroaspin
8 74 1hajA A beta-hairpin structure in a 13-mer peptide that binds a-bungarotoxin with high affinity and neutralizes its toxicity
7 61 1je9A Nmr solution structure of nt2
2 74 1idlA The nmr solution structure of alpha-bungarotoxin
5 62 1coeA Solution conformation of cobrotoxin: a nuclear magnetic resonance and hybrid distance geometry-dynamical simulated annealing study
10 107 1ks6A Transforming growth factor beta type ii receptor ligand binding domain
5 74 1idhA The nmr solution structure of the complex formed between alpha-bungarotoxin and an 18mer cognate peptide
8 62 1fraA Tertiary structure of erabutoxin b in aqueous solution elucidated by two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance
4 74 1ikcA Nmr structure of alpha-bungarotoxin
6 60 1ffjA Nmr structure of cardiotoxin in dpc-micelle
8 62 1cvoA The solution structure of cardiotoxin v from naja naja atra
4 74 1kc4A Nmr structural analysis of the complex formed between alpha-bungarotoxin and the principal alpha-neurotoxin binding sequence on the alpha7 subunit of a neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor
12 74 1kfhA Solution structure of alpha-bungarotoxin by nmr spectroscopy
6 60 1crfA Cardiotoxin ii from taiwan cobra venom, naja naja atra: structure in solution and comparision among homologous cardiotoxins
7 60 1ccqA Nmr structure with tightly bound water molecules of cytotoxin ii (cardiotoxin) from naja naja oxiana in aqueous solution (minor form).
7 62 1g6mA Nmr solution structure of cbt2
6 60 1kbtA Solution structure of cardiotoxin iv, nmr, 12 structures
5 77 1cdrA Structure of a soluble, glycosylated form of the human complement regulatory protein cd59
7 77 1cdsA Structure of a soluble, glycosylated form of the human complement regulatory protein cd59
9 60 1cb9A Nmr structure with tightly bound water molecules of cytotoxin ii (cardiotoxin) from naja naja oxiana in aqueous solution (major form).
7 60 1i02A Nmr structure of ctx a3 at neutral ph (20 structures)
7 77 1cdqA Structure of a soluble, glycosylated form of the human complement regulatory protein cd59
6 63 1ijcA Solution structure of bucandin, a neurotoxin from the venom of the malayan krait
5 74 1hoyA Nmr structure of the complex between a-bungarotoxin and a mimotope of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor
3 66 1jgkA Solution structure of candoxin
4 74 1bxpA Solution nmr structure of the complex of alpha-bungarotoxin with a library derived peptide, 20 structures
9 60 1cxoA Refined three-dimensional solution structure of a snake cardiotoxin: analysis of the side-chain organisation suggests the existence of a possible phospholipid binding site
52 279 1ywhA Crystal structure of urokinase plasminogen activator receptor
16 78 5imyC Trapped toxin
18 77 5imtD Toxin receptor complex
11 62 6ebxA Structure determination of a dimeric form of erabutoxin b, crystallized from thiocyanate solution
12 75 4faoC Specificity and structure of a high affinity activin-like 1 (alk1) signaling complex
19 91 4faoE Specificity and structure of a high affinity activin-like 1 (alk1) signaling complex
10 61 4ey8B Crystal structure of recombinant human acetylcholinesterase in complex with fasciculin-2
11 66 4do8A Crystal structure of the muscarinic toxin mt1
18 77 4bikB Structure of a disulfide locked mutant of intermedilysin with human cd59
11 61 4bdtB Human acetylcholinesterase in complex with huprine w and fasciculin 2
5 67 4aeaA Dimeric alpha-cobratoxin x-ray structure: localization of intermolecular disulfides and possible mode of binding to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors
9 61 3vtsA Crystal structure of a three finger toxin from snake venom
69 283 3u74U Crystal structure of stabilized human upar mutant
59 280 3u73U Crystal structure of stabilized human upar mutant in complex with atf
13 62 5ebxA The crystal structure of erabutoxin a at 2.0 angstroms resolution
11 57 5dz5A Crystal structure of dendroaspis polylepis mambalgin-1 wild-type in p41212 space group
11 65 4zqyA Ringhalexin from hemachatus haemachatus: a novel inhibitor of extrinsic tenase complex
12 57 5du1A Crystal structure of dendroaspis polylepis mambalgin-1 wild-type in p21 space group.
13 57 5do6A Crystal structure of dendroaspis polylepis venom mambalgin-1 t23a mutant
24 105 4xjjA Extracellular domain of type ii transforming growth factor beta receptor in complex with 2-(2-hydroxyethyl)ndsb-201
7 73 4uy2C Crystal structure of the complex of the extracellular domain of human alpha9 nachr with alpha-bungarotoxin.
9 58 4rudA Crystal structure of a three finger toxin