Found 1585 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: D-Maltodextrin-Binding Protein; domain 2

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
45 370 1ezpA Global fold of maltodextrin binding protein complexed with beta-cyclodextrin using peptide orientations from dipolar couplings
57 370 1ezoA Global fold of maltodextrin binding protein complexed with beta-cyclodextrin
104 365 1t0kA Joint x-ray and nmr refinement of yeast l30e-mrna complex
169 488 5isuA 2.2 angstrom crystal structure of abc transporter substrate binding protein ctap (lmo0135) from listeria monocytogenes.
216 674 3v83A The 2.1 angstrom crystal structure of diferric human transferrin
108 345 3tusA Crystal structure of c-lobe of bovine lactoferrin complexed with meta-hydroxy benzoic acid at 2.5 a resolution
115 674 3s9nC Complex between transferrin receptor 1 and transferrin with iron in the n-lobe, room temperature
115 674 3s9lC Complex between transferrin receptor 1 and transferrin with iron in the n-lobe, cryocooled 2
114 674 3s9mC Complex between transferrin receptor 1 and transferrin with iron in the n-lobe, cryocooled 1
82 256 3s9eA Crystal structure of the kainate receptor gluk3 ligand binding domain in complex with (s)-glutamate
125 372 3tepA Lytr-cps2a-psr family protein with bound octaprenyl pyrophosphate lipid and magnesium ion
219 691 1lfhA Molecular replacement solution of the structure of apolactoferrin, a protein displaying large-scale conformational change
186 686 1aovA Apo duck ovotransferrin
135 686 1aivA Apo ovotransferrin
120 299 5ltcA Crystal structure of doubly spin labelled vcsiap r125
111 326 5l9sA Structure of agrobacterium tumefaciens c58 strain pbp attc in open unliganded conformation
80 241 5lomA Crystal structure of the pbp soca from agrobacterium tumefaciens c58 in complex with dfg at 1.5 a resolution
73 241 5l9oA Crystal structure of agrobacterium tumefaciens c58 strain pbp soca in complex with glucopine
100 331 5ldzA Quadruple space group ambiguity due to rotational and translational non-crystallographic symmetry in human liver fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase
180 518 5kztA Listeria monocytogenes oppa bound to peptide
82 280 5kdtA Structure of the human glun1/glun2a lbd in complex with gne0723
84 264 5jeiA Crystal structure of the glua2 lbd in complex with fw
66 283 5jtyA Glutamate- and dcka-bound glun1/glun2a agonist binding domains with mpx-007
81 279 5kcjA Structure of the human glun1/glun2a lbd in complex with gne6901
76 287 5kdtB Structure of the human glun1/glun2a lbd in complex with gne0723
116 373 5jk4A Phosphate-binding protein from stenotrophomonas maltophilia.
82 283 5kcjB Structure of the human glun1/glun2a lbd in complex with gne6901
121 318 5izzA Crystal structure of a marine metagenome trap solute binding protein specific for aromatic acid ligands (sorcerer ii global ocean sampling expedition, unidentified microbe, locus tag gos_1523157, triple surface mutant k158a_k223a_k313a) in complex with metahydroxyphenylacetate, thermal exchange of ligand
118 373 5j1dA X-ray crystal structure of phosphate binding protein (pbp) from stenotrophomonas maltophilia
77 271 5j16A Crystal structure of inositol monophosphate bound saimpase-ii
87 254 5itpA Structure of the periplasmic binding protein noct from a.tumefaciens in complex with octopine
82 249 5ikbA Crystal structure of the kainate receptor gluk4 ligand binding domain in complex with kainate
186 575 5icqA Methanobactin periplasmic binding protein
108 320 5igaA Crystal structure of a marine metagenome trap solute binding protein specific for aromatic acid ligands (sorcerer ii global ocean sampling expedition, unidentified microbe, locus tag gos_1523157, triple surface mutant k158a_k223a_k313a) in complex with co-purified parahydroxybenzoate
85 266 5ictA Crystal structure of the drosophila glur1a ligand binding domain y792t mutant complex with glutamate
142 399 5iaiA Crystal structure of abc transporter solute binding protein arad_9887 from agrobacterium radiobacter k84, target efi-510945 in complex with ribitol
81 314 5i84A Structure of the xanthomonas citri phosphate-binding protein phox
120 318 5i7iA Crystal structure of a marine metagenome trap solute binding protein specific for aromatic acid ligands (sorcerer ii global ocean sampling expedition, unidentified microbe, locus tag gos_1523157) in complex with co-crystallized 3-hydroxybenzoate
83 279 5i59B Glutamate- and glycine-bound glun1/glun2a agonist binding domains with mpx 007
81 285 5i57A Glutamate- and glycine-bound glun1/glun2a agonist binding domains
71 283 5i58A Glutamate- and glycine-bound glun1/glun2a agonist binding domains with mpx-004
79 278 5i57B Glutamate- and glycine-bound glun1/glun2a agonist binding domains
108 319 5i5pA Crystal structure of a marine metagenome trap solute binding protein specific for aromatic acid ligands (sorcerer ii global ocean sampling expedition, unidentified microbe, locus tag gos_1523157) in complex with co-purified 4-hydroxybenzoate
81 288 5i56A Agonist-bound glun1/glun2a agonist binding domains with tcn201
76 279 5i58B Glutamate- and glycine-bound glun1/glun2a agonist binding domains with mpx-004
82 279 5i2nA Structure of the human glun1/glun2a lbd in complex with n-ethyl-7-{[2-fluoro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl}-2-methyl-5-oxo-5h-[1,3]thiazolo[3,2-a]pyrimidine-3-carboxamide (compound 29)
83 282 5i59A Glutamate- and glycine-bound glun1/glun2a agonist binding domains with mpx 007
83 280 5i56B Agonist-bound glun1/glun2a agonist binding domains with tcn201
85 278 5i2kA Structure of the human glun1/glun2a lbd in complex with 7-{[ethyl(4-fluorophenyl)amino]methyl}-n,2-dimethyl-5-oxo-5h-[1,3]thiazolo[3,2-a]pyrimidine-3-carboxamide (compound 19)
85 238 5hpqA Crystal structure of cyclohexadienyl dehydratase from pseudomonas aeruginosa bound to acetate