Found 750 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Histone, subunit A

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
20 69 1bfmA Histone b from methanothermus fervidus
15 96 4wj3C Crystal structure of the asparagine transamidosome from pseudomonas aeruginosa
29 82 2nzdB Nucleosome core particle containing 145 bp of dna
33 97 2nzdA Nucleosome core particle containing 145 bp of dna
32 106 2nzdC Nucleosome core particle containing 145 bp of dna
28 81 2nqbB Drosophila nucleosome structure
37 95 2nzdD Nucleosome core particle containing 145 bp of dna
31 106 2nqbC Drosophila nucleosome structure
15 86 3kfuG Crystal structure of the transamidosome
132 588 3al0C Crystal structure of the glutamine transamidosome from thermotoga maritima in the glutamylation state.
142 409 3ephA Crystallographic snapshots of eukaryotic dimethylallyltransferase acting on trna: insight into trna recognition and reaction mechanism
25 88 4kudB Crystal structure of n-terminal acetylated sir3 bah domain d205n mutant in complex with yeast nucleosome core particle
32 97 4kgcA Nucleosome core particle containing (eta6-p-cymene)-(1, 2-ethylenediamine)-ruthenium
28 103 4kudC Crystal structure of n-terminal acetylated sir3 bah domain d205n mutant in complex with yeast nucleosome core particle
37 95 4kgcD Nucleosome core particle containing (eta6-p-cymene)-(1, 2-ethylenediamine)-ruthenium
21 98 4ld9C Crystal structure of the n-terminally acetylated bah domain of sir3 bound to the nucleosome core particle
29 96 4kudA Crystal structure of n-terminal acetylated sir3 bah domain d205n mutant in complex with yeast nucleosome core particle
35 93 4kudD Crystal structure of n-terminal acetylated sir3 bah domain d205n mutant in complex with yeast nucleosome core particle
30 86 4ld9D Crystal structure of the n-terminally acetylated bah domain of sir3 bound to the nucleosome core particle
32 97 4ld9A Crystal structure of the n-terminally acetylated bah domain of sir3 bound to the nucleosome core particle
27 89 4ld9B Crystal structure of the n-terminally acetylated bah domain of sir3 bound to the nucleosome core particle
32 106 4kgcC Nucleosome core particle containing (eta6-p-cymene)-(1, 2-ethylenediamine)-ruthenium
27 82 4kgcB Nucleosome core particle containing (eta6-p-cymene)-(1, 2-ethylenediamine)-ruthenium
25 78 3waaB The nucleosome containing human h2a.z.2
32 97 3waaA The nucleosome containing human h2a.z.2
25 77 3w96B Crystal structure of human nucleosome core particle lacking h2a n-terminal region
34 95 3w96D Crystal structure of human nucleosome core particle lacking h2a n-terminal region
30 97 3w98A Crystal structure of human nucleosome core particle lacking h3.1 n-terminal region
32 108 2pyoC Drosophila nucleosome core
31 99 2pyoA Drosophila nucleosome core
36 93 3wkjD The nucleosome containing human tsh2b
30 103 3b6gA Nucleosome core particle treated with oxaliplatin
38 94 3waaD The nucleosome containing human h2a.z.2
23 79 3b6gB Nucleosome core particle treated with oxaliplatin
34 97 3w99A Crystal structure of human nucleosome core particle lacking h4 n-terminal region
30 97 3wa9A The nucleosome containing human h2a.z.1
30 101 3b6fD Nucleosome core particle treated with cisplatin
37 93 3wa9D The nucleosome containing human h2a.z.1
33 101 3b6gD Nucleosome core particle treated with oxaliplatin
19 106 3b6gC Nucleosome core particle treated with oxaliplatin
26 78 3w99B Crystal structure of human nucleosome core particle lacking h4 n-terminal region
28 103 3b6fA Nucleosome core particle treated with cisplatin
31 95 3w98D Crystal structure of human nucleosome core particle lacking h3.1 n-terminal region
26 78 3wkjB The nucleosome containing human tsh2b
32 97 3wkjA The nucleosome containing human tsh2b
26 78 3wa9B The nucleosome containing human h2a.z.1
37 95 2nqbD Drosophila nucleosome structure
26 80 2pyoB Drosophila nucleosome core
32 106 3wa9C The nucleosome containing human h2a.z.1
21 79 3b6fB Nucleosome core particle treated with cisplatin