Found 245 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Serum Albumin; Chain A, Domain 1

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
32 81 1kdxA Kix domain of mouse cbp (creb binding protein) in complex with phosphorylated kinase inducible domain (pkid) of rat creb (cyclic amp response element binding protein), nmr 17 structures
86 247 3siuB Structure of a hprp31-15.5k-u4atac 5' stem loop complex, monomeric form
134 375 3plaA Crystal structure of a catalytically active substrate-bound box c/d rnp from sulfolobus solfataricus
107 363 3nvkA Structural basis for substrate placement by an archaeal box c/d ribonucleoprotein particle
71 248 3sivB Structure of a hprp31-15.5k-u4atac 5' stem loop complex, dimeric form
93 247 3nviA Structure of n-terminal truncated nop56/58 bound with l7ae and box c/d rna
117 366 3nmuA Crystal structure of substrate-bound halfmer box c/d rnp
89 249 2ozbB Structure of a human prp31-15.5k-u4 snrna complex
133 366 4by9C The structure of the box cd enzyme reveals regulation of rrna methylation
159 473 1muhA Crystal structure of tn5 transposase complexed with transposon end dna
157 474 1musA Crystal structure of tn5 transposase complexed with resolved outside end dna
150 473 1mm8A Crystal structure of tn5 transposase complexed with me dna
154 475 4dm0A Tn5 transposase: 20mer outside end 2 mn complex
25 86 2qhbA Crystal structure of ngtrf complexed with telomeric dna
156 475 3ecpA Crystal structure of tn5 transposase complexed with 5' phosphorylated transposon end dna
34 89 4zuxV Saga dub module ubp8/sgf11/sus1/sgf73 bound to ubiqitinated nucleosome
130 375 5gioA Crystal structure of box c/d rnp with 12 nt guide regions and 13 nt substrates
129 375 5ginA Crystal structure of box c/d rnp with 12 nt guide regions and 9 nt substrates
138 375 5gipA Crystal structure of box c/d rnp with 13 nt guide regions and 11 nt substrates
218 578 1ao6A Crystal structure of human serum albumin
224 581 5ijeA Crystal structure of equine serum albumin in the presence of 30 mm zinc at ph 7.4
199 580 5ijfA Crystal structure of human serum albumin in the presence of 0.5 mm zinc at ph 9.0
227 581 5iiuA Crystal structure of equine serum albumin in the presence of 10 mm zinc at ph 6.9
231 580 5iihA Crystal structure of equine serum albumin in the presence of 2.5 mm zinc at ph 7.4
242 580 5id9A Crystal structure of equine serum albumin in complex with phosphorodithioate derivative of myristoyl cyclic phosphatidic acid (cpa)
233 582 5id7A Crystal structure of human serum albumin in complex with phosphorodithioate derivative of myristoyl cyclic phosphatidic acid (cpa)
228 581 5iixA Crystal structure of equine serum albumin in the presence of 15 mm zinc at ph 6.5
217 578 5fuoA Extending the half-life of a fab fragment through generation of a humanised anti-human serum albumin (hsa) fv domain: an investigation into the correlation between affinity and serum half-life
107 348 5bpkA Varying binding modes of inhibitors and structural differences in the binding pockets of different gamma-glutamyltranspeptidases
103 349 5b5tA Crystal structure of escherichia coli gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase in complex with peptidyl phosphonate inhibitor 1b
227 581 4z69A Human serum albumin complexed with palmitic acid and diclofenac
68 270 4tq0A Crystal structure of human atg5-atg16n69
226 581 4emxA Crystal structure analysis of human serum albumin in complex with chloride anions at cryogenic temperature
247 583 4f5uA Crystal structure of equine serum albumin at 2.04 resolution
222 583 4f5sA Crystal structure of bovine serum albumin
232 584 4f5vA Crystal structure of leporine serum albumin
236 583 4f5tA Crystal structure of equine serum albumin
226 567 4e99A Human serum albumin complex with perfluorooctane sulfonate potassium
36 86 4d7xA Solution structure of the mediator gall11 kix domain of c. glabrata
33 91 4dhxB Eny2:ganp complex
224 582 4bkeA Recombinant human serum albumin with palmitic acid. synthetic cationic antimicrobial peptides bind with their hydrophobic parts to drug site ii of human serum albumin
37 92 4c31B Nup1:sac3:sus1 complex
104 360 3whqA Crystal structure of gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase from bacillus subtilis (crystal soaked for 0 min. in acivicin soln. )
106 359 3whsA Crystal structure of bacillus subtilis gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase in complex with acivicin
108 359 3whrA Crystal structure of gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase from bacillus subtilis (crystal soaked for 3min. in acivicin soln. )
71 283 3w1sA Crystal structure of saccharomyces cerevisiae atg12-atg5 conjugate bound to the n-terminal domain of atg16
76 271 3vqiA Crystal structure of kluyveromyces marxianus atg5
227 583 3v09A Crystal structure of rabbit serum albumin
225 581 3v03A Crystal structure of bovine serum albumin
235 581 3v08A Crystal structure of equine serum albumin