Found 195 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Alpha-1-antitrypsin; domain 1

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
100 371 5io1A Crystal structure of recombinant human z alpha-1-antitrypsin
91 346 9paiA Cleaved substrate variant of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
95 340 8apiA The s variant of human alpha1-antitrypsin, structure and implications for function and metabolism
89 339 7apiA The s variant of human alpha1-antitrypsin, structure and implications for function and metabolism
88 339 9apiA The s variant of human alpha1-antitrypsin, structure and implications for function and metabolism
110 368 5c98A 1.45a resolution structure of srpn18 from anopheles gambiae
102 361 5cdzA Crystal structure of conserpin in the latent state
92 373 5ei0A Structure of rcl-cleaved vaspin (serpina12)
102 366 5cdxA Crystal structure of conserpin
100 367 5ce0A Crystal structure of conserpin with z-mutation
91 372 5brrI Michaelis complex of tpa-s195a:pai-1
113 388 4zk0A Psoriasis pathogenesis - pso p27 constitute a compact structure forming large aggregates. high ph structure
119 374 4dteA Crystal structure of zebrafish plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (pai-1)
110 377 4dy7C Crystal structures of protease nexin-1 in complex with s195a thrombin
118 436 4eb1I Hyperstable in-frame insertion variant of antithrombin
110 377 4dy0A Crystal structure of native protease nexin-1 with heparin
109 424 4eb1L Hyperstable in-frame insertion variant of antithrombin
99 333 4caaA Cleaved antichymotrypsin t345r
117 369 4c41A Corticosteroid-binding globulin with engineered disulphide bridge between residues 100 and 236
105 368 4c49A Reactive loop cleaved human cbg in complex with cortisol
123 380 4au4A Crystal structure of hsp47
111 380 4au3B Crystal structure of a hsp47-collagen complex
112 380 4au3A Crystal structure of a hsp47-collagen complex
125 380 4au2A Crystal structure of a hsp47-collagen complex
98 337 4bb2A Crystal structure of cleaved corticosteroid-binding globulin in complex with progesterone
89 352 4ajuA Crystal structure of the reactive loop cleaved zpi in p41 space group
116 379 4ajtA The crystal structure of mouse protein-z dependent protease inhibitor(mzpi)
93 347 4afxA Crystal structure of the reactive loop cleaved zpi in i2 space group
121 382 4aqhA Plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 in complex with the inhibitor az3976
115 386 3zhaA Molecular basis for the action of the collagen-specific chaperone hsp47 serpinh1 and its structure-specific client recognition.
114 387 3vvjA Structure of ovalbumin from emu (dromaius novaehollandiae)
108 373 3ut3A A novel pai-i inhibitor and its structural mechanism
77 371 3t1pA Crystal structure of an alpha-1-antitrypsin trimer
113 388 3stoA Serpin from the trematode schistosoma haematobium
112 388 4zk3A Psoriasis pathogenesis - pso p27 constitute a compact structure forming large aggregates. low ph structure
115 378 5hgcA A serpin structure
88 345 5inwA Structure of reaction loop cleaved lamprey angiotensinogen
99 337 4yiaA Structural mechanism of hormone release in thyroxine binding globulin
113 380 4y3kA Structure of vaspin mutant e379s
121 379 4y40A Structure of vaspin mutant d305c v383c
114 378 4x30A Crystal structure of human thyroxine-binding globulin complexed with thyroine at 1.55 angstrom resolution
109 383 4rsqA 2.9a resolution structure of srpn2 (k198c/e359c) from anopheles gambiae
114 383 4robA 2.8a resolution structure of srpn2 (k198c) from anopheles gambiae
130 378 4r9iA Crystal structure of cysteine proteinase inhibitor serpin18 from bombyx mori
114 384 4roaA 1.90a resolution structure of srpn2 (s358w) from anopheles gambiae
112 384 4ro9A 2.0a resolution structure of srpn2 (s358e) from anopheles gambiae
112 384 4p0fA Cleaved serpin 42da (c 2 2 21)
93 371 4pywA 1.92 angstrom crystal structure of a1at:ttai ternary complex
116 378 4p0oA Cleaved serpin 42da
109 370 4kdsA Crystal structure of latent rainbow trout plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (pai-1)